Friday, March 1, 2013

Strategic Management 13th Edition, John Pearce

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout Strategic Management, 13e. This thirteenth edition of Strategic Management has a refined message and a new subtitle: Planning for Domestic & Global Competition. This new edition is specially designed to accommodate the needs of strategy students worldwide in our fast-changing twenty-first century. The authors complement the focus on strategic planning for success within U.S. borders with unprecedented attention on how U.S. firms can leverage their domestic success by forming international partnerships and can achieve international success by becoming actively involved in global trade. These are exciting times, and they are reflected in this book. The new edition includes NEW or revised chapter material, 30 NEW cases, and dozens of NEW illustrations.

This text was required for my final Master's level class, so I had no choice in buying it. With that being said, it presented great up-to-date company examples within in each chapter. This text pulled together information from many other classes, and integrated them into usable methods for any size organization. Also noteworthy, is that globalization is addressed constantly. The glossary was low to moderate, and there was an abundance of case studies.

I should start by saying this book is not user-friendly; with a note that a text like this really shouldn't be when you consider it is a collegiate-level business tomb aimed at the B.S. of Business to M.B.A. level student. Socio-political stories, geared towards appeasing left-leaning professors, that do nothing to enhance the topic at hand found in many of today's "business" textbooks are thankfully wholly absent here. No frills, and no politically/affirmative action friendly pictures tucked neatly between sub-headings--just a well executed factual analysis of what you need to know in a rapid-fire format.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 976 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 13 edition (January 19, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0078029295
ISBN-13: 978-0078029295
Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 1.6 x 10.4 inches

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